Wednesday 11th July 2012
4 years ago today, a hardy bunch of urban agriculturalists, permaculture students
and North Fitzroy neighbours planted organic food seedlings in biodegradable
cardboard trays filled with luscious compost & clean soil.
Laying out the planted trays in the shape of the windmill on the opposite roof
(of what was then The Homestead Inn - now Marmalade& Soul Cafe)
they dug the trays into the freshly levelled & raked soil on the naturestrip
alongside the still-being-constructed townhouses.
So Friday night 11th July 2008 was the beginning of the neighbour-stewarded
and grandiosely-named (!!!) Windmill Foodgarden @ Tramstop 22
that has grown food, fun, friendships and connections over the years
HAPPY FOURTH BIRTHDAY little garden - and thanks to everyone who
helps look after it for all to enjoy
What's the best way to contact the gardeners? Researching a story and would love to chat with you.