Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Autumn Tastetour, Recipe Swap, welcome new plantings

Sunday 26th Feb

Join us for a herbal cuppa in the garden
as we taste, learn about
and enjoy
the gardens edible
herbs, veg, leaves & fruit

Bring a watering bottle
to help care for latest plantings
lemongrass, parsley, brussel sprouts,
mizuna, cos lettuce, marigolds,
heartsease, basil.

*Earlier/more mature plantings include
Mint (Mojitos anyone? please pick regularly
before it takes over the garden!)

sorrel, sultana grapes, sage, thyme,
rosemary, chillies, kiwifruit, garlic chives,
curry bush, feijoa, choko, pepino, corn,
eggplant, silverbeet, tamarillo, basil,
warrigal greens,
alpine strawberry
cape gooseberry, lemon verbena,
*See 'What's in the Garden' section for
pics & info on many of the above

Friday, February 10, 2012

midsummer garden spruce-up, taste tour, gardening bee

Gday foodgarden fans

(& thanks Tyrone for watering the garden
this past windy week :)

Love to see y'all
10AM this SUNDAY 12th Feb
at the garden for
'taste tour' & gardening bee

...then a cuppa across the road
to welcome new neighbours
"Marmalade & Soul" Cafe
(who've been helping in the garden too)

BYO gloves, garden tools &
for take-home garden goodies